VergesRome Architects | New Orleans Architectural Firm


3D scanning technology has revolutionized the architecture industry by providing architects and design firms with a powerful tool for capturing precise, detailed, and comprehensive data about existing buildings. One of the key benefits of using 3D scanning for architectural projects is its ability to streamline the initial site assessment and data collection process. Traditional methods of manual measurements and photography can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With 3D scanning, architects can quickly and accurately capture the exact dimensions and features of a building, including intricate details that might be missed by human eyes. This not only saves valuable time but also enhances the accuracy of the data, ensuring that the design phase starts with a highly reliable foundation.

3D scanning enables architects to create highly detailed and realistic digital representations of existing buildings. These digital models serve as invaluable references throughout the design and planning stages, allowing architects to explore different design concepts and experiment with modifications with greater confidence. They can also identify potential challenges or clashes within the existing structure, helping to avoid costly surprises during construction. Additionally, 3D scanning facilitates effective collaboration between architects, engineers, and other stakeholders, as it provides a shared visual representation of the project that everyone can reference and work from. Overall, 3D scanning significantly enhances the efficiency, accuracy, and collaborative potential of architectural projects, making it an indispensable tool for modern architectural firms.

VRA team member, Megan Ripoll, has been at the forefront of integrating 3D scanning technology into our everyday design process, helping us to stay true to our firm’s mission.  Megan has not only spearheaded the adoption of this technology but has also taken the initiative to train our team members, ensuring that everyone can effectively utilize the 3D scanning equipment and software. Megan’s leadership has not only improved the efficiency and precision of our projects but has also inspired our team to embrace innovation and explore new possibilities in architectural design and documentation!

The incorporation of 3D scanning by VergesRome Architects, led by Megan’s expertise and commitment, has enhanced our capabilities, enabling us to deliver superior designs, minimize errors, and foster greater collaboration among our team members and clients. Together, we’re committed to pushing the boundaries of architectural innovation, delivering exceptional results, and leaving a lasting mark on the built environment.

Our transformation of the Tulane University Football Locker Room and Hydrotherapy Space aimed to elevate and align the team’s off-field environment to match its on-field expertise. Our focus was on modernizing the locker room with new state-of-the-art ventilated lockers, ensuring all sports gear stays dry and air quality is the best it can be.

Fun fact: to achieve this level of airflow, the locker room was outfitted with enough mechanical power to move an Olympic swimming pool of air every seven minutes!

Additionally, the hydrotherapy room was upgraded and equipped with new hot and cold plunge pools alongside a cutting-edge unweighting treadmill, facilitating athlete recovery in an anti-gravity setting. These enhancements bring Tulane University’s athletic recovery program up to par with national standards, setting the stage for continued success in the years ahead.


Roll Wave!

Laura LeBon, a dedicated Architect at VergesRome, seamlessly combines her passion for architecture and theater in a way that truly sets her apart. Laura plays a pivotal role at VRA in producing Construction Documents for various projects, but her creativity goes beyond the realms of blueprints and plans…

Separate from VRA, Laura recently reignited her longstanding passion for theater, where she is now also working as a Production Assistant/House Manager for Fat Squirrel Productions, a dynamic theater company located in the heart of the Bywater Neighborhood on St. Claude Avenue. Over the past six months, Laura has been involved in the staging and production of Broken Codes, a science fiction play written by Benjamin Franklin English Teacher Stephanie Garrison. The play, hosted at the Big Couch venue on 3400 St. Claude, is on-stage through October 27th.

With 30 years of experience in the architecture industry, Laura found herself yearning for a creative outlet, leading her back to a passion she first discovered in High School. In fact, it was her high school theater experiences that initially revealed her love for both theater and architecture.

“While in high school, I was sitting at the sound board while the director worked with the actors on stage. It was then that I came to the conclusion that architecture was everything I loved about theater.”

Although the role of a Production Assistant/House Manager can be demanding, Laura finds profound fulfillment in the rewards it offers. She not only brings her wealth of experience to the table but also embraces the opportunity to learn from her younger cast and crewmates.

“I love the idea of working with a talented group of people with different abilities and backgrounds to create something, and then present that something to the public to enjoy.”

For Laura, the theater is not just a stage; it’s a platform where wisdom and creativity merge.

Now through October 27th, Broken Codes is being performed on-stage at Big Couch at 3400 St. Claude Avenue. Click here to purchase tickets and show support!

In 1977 a book titled Bicycle Touring in Europe inspired MargAnn Wright and Don Turnipseed to buy lightweight bikes, outfit them for touring and camping, and depart for Europe. Their three-month bike journey took them from Luxembourg through Belgium, England, the Netherlands, and back through Belgium.

“We met travelers from around the world, including many cycle tourists inspired by the same book!” says MargAnn. “We carried everything we needed with us, took our time, and embraced whatever experiences each day brought. We met kind locals curious about our mode of travel and enthusiastic to learn we were from New Orleans. Other than bicycling through Brussels traffic, which was terrifying, we always felt safe and valued as American friends, and in turn we strived to be respectful visitors. Not having mobile phones or internet back then, we relied on phone centers and mail to communicate with family back home. I crammed so much info into my postcards my family needed magnification to read them!

“We mapped our routes daily and kept journals, pleasantly surprised to find great pubs at most organized camping sites. Crossing the Channel to Dover, and traveling by train to the north of London, we set out on a month-long circular tour of southern England that included Canterbury, Stratford-upon-Avon, Worcester, Bath, Salisbury, Andover, and a return to Hammersmith London to stay with new friends from Australia. Our cheap two-man tent couldn’t handle the frequent British rain, compelling us to upgrade to better quality at a camping store in the city of Northampton. Joining the Camping Club of Great Britain gave us access to diverse camping sites including a racetrack in Stratford-Upon-Avon, a nature/ wildlife reserve with screaming peacocks, a country horse farm in Inkberrow complete with friendly foxhounds, and backyards of ordinary British homes. We often enjoyed fresh milk delivered directly to our tent. Arriving at Stonehenge on the day of the Summer Solstice was memorable – on many levels! Preparations for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Celebrations happening later that summer were evident everywhere.

“We rode from Zaandam, Netherlands, to the North Sea Jazz Festival in The Hague, returning in the early morning hours on safe dedicated bike paths. In Gouda, we learned how to correctly pronounce the name of the cheese and we’ve loved delicious Oud (Aged) Gouda ever since! The proprietor of our Brugge, Belgium, campground invited us for a day at sea – from Blankenberge, Belgium, to Scheveningen, Netherlands and back – on his racing sloop, The Old Chap II, with his crew that had recently sailed the annual North Sea Race. Throughout our cycle tour we enjoyed delicious breads, cheeses, Dutch Chocoladevla, and drank mostly beer, with enduring fondness for Belgian beers including Belgian Trappist ales.

“Don and I returned home when we ran out of money! We married the next year and I do think this trip – supporting and challenging each other to achieve what we never imagined possible – has helped us navigate 45 years of married life.”

Trinity Bergeron enjoys traveling the world and going on new hiking adventures whenever she can. Last year, she asked her sister (an avid traveler) where she was going next so she could tag along! Boulder, Colorado was everything she imagined and more! The sites were postcard quality everywhere she went.

The most memorable thing about the trip was spending quality time with just her sister.

Hiking in the mountains is is a wonderful way that she physically challenges herself and allows her to take in the beauty of nature.

Juan Burciaga, Jr., AIA is a Project Architect who joined VRA earlier this year. His love for traveling and outdoor activities like hiking and hunting have led him to a deep foodie exploration of cooking. He enjoys testing out recipes for wild game, especially when he can get his kids to like it too!

“Trying new recipes is always fun and exciting for me. This is usually the same with trying new dishes. Trying new recipes probably comes from my father bringing home all kinds of random wild game for us to try.  Just to name a few: wild pig, rattlesnake, turtle eggs, and cow tongue (lengua). So as a kid I was exposed to a lot of different dishes. This is probably why I am always up for trying something new. But the ultimate reward is preparing a new recipe correctly and it is delicious. As for BBQ, this is always fun to learn and experiment with, and it also gives us an excuse to invite a few friends and family over to share what I have prepared. A few family favorites that I have in the rotation are Venison Fajitas, Venison Barbacoa, Pulled Pork, Ribs and Turkey (whole smoked).”

A few of Juan’s favorite cooking shows and recipe books that he draws inspiration from are: All Things Barbeque, The Meat Eater, and Steven Raichlen

One new recipe that Juan recently tried is Venison Osso Bucco (see photos).  He mentioned that the hardest part about this recipe was cutting the venison shank (bone). ”I had to utilize a few power tools to try to cut them. If you need to know which tool worked best, it was an Oscillating multi-tool with a combo blade. My wife was kind of skeptical about using power tools in the kitchen, but I did not leave much of a mess, so she ended up being ok with it.  The key to cutting them was to make sure they were still partially frozen.”  

Juan’s next big food project is trying to turn venison into sausage. While he has dabbled in this a little in the past, he is looking forward to the challenge of making sausage links. 

Link to Juan’s latest Osso Bucco Recipe:

For VRA’s Ambassador of First Impressions, Kelly LeBlanc, photography is indefinitely healing. She enjoys and appreciates photography and loves what it captures. “In Nature, nothing is perfect. Trees are bent, contorted, and they are still beautiful.” She’s been taking photos since her first child was born 28 years ago when she started photographing him out in nature.

Kelly tried to get outdoors and shoot every weekend. She recently took a pictures of her blooming Dahlias in her garden. To her, they are an expression of how when things are nurtured how beautiful they can become. Her favorite things to capture are skies, birds, and flowers. Sometimes, Kelly even photographs her travels. This summer, she’s visiting Virginia Beach and looking forward to ocean scenery and sunsets to photograph.

“In Nature, there is no judgment, comparison of the other, no right or no wrong, it just is,” shares Kelly.

In celebration of 60 years of architectural design excellence in the Greater New Orleans Community, VergesRome’s family of employees gathered in the beautiful oak-lined City Park for a champagne toast, followed by an anniversary lunch at Ralph’s on the Park. The beautiful celebration was highlighted by toasts from company founder Ernie Verges, then Chip Verges and Steve Rome. More than anything, the VRA team felt that it was most important to stop and celebrate the great people who have come together to serve our clients over the last six decades. Without our team, known as our family, we are nothing. Client projects drive our business, but our people are what make the difference every single day.

During Carnival Season 2023 we welcomed local New Orleans Artist Heather Mattingly Art to create an incredible Mardi Gras-themed mural inside our building!

Her work perfectly represents the fun times had in the New Orleans community during this season. VergesRome looks forward to opporutnities to engage local artists in various projects for our firm. The color and vibrance of this pieces really brightened the building lobby! Learn more about Heather’s art here.