Inspiration from Nature Photography
For VRA’s Ambassador of First Impressions, Kelly LeBlanc, photography is indefinitely healing. She enjoys and appreciates photography and loves what it captures. “In Nature, nothing is perfect. Trees are bent, contorted, and they are still beautiful.” She’s been taking photos since her first child was born 28 years ago when she started photographing him out in nature.
Kelly tried to get outdoors and shoot every weekend. She recently took a pictures of her blooming Dahlias in her garden. To her, they are an expression of how when things are nurtured how beautiful they can become. Her favorite things to capture are skies, birds, and flowers. Sometimes, Kelly even photographs her travels. This summer, she’s visiting Virginia Beach and looking forward to ocean scenery and sunsets to photograph.
“In Nature, there is no judgment, comparison of the other, no right or no wrong, it just is,” shares Kelly.