VergesRome Architects assisted the Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College (SJASC) with recovery efforts following the March 11, 2016 flooding of the Bogue Falaya River that inundated most buildings on the 1,200 acre campus with nearly two feet of water.
SJASC incurred major disruption and more than 30 buildings and structures were damaged, with total losses estimated to exceed $30 million. The event was declared a major disaster by FEMA-4263-DR-LA on 03-13-2016. SJASC is a non-profit applicant for FEMA Public Assistance (PA) and 404 Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs (HMPGP) grants.
The design and procurement of temporary modular facilities was accomplished in 3 months, allowing the seminarians to continue their studies in the 2016-2017 school year. The Flood Recovery Projects at Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College included a total of 9 different buildings.