New Orleans, Louisiana
The Allie Mae Williams Multi-Service Center is located at 2020 Jackson Avenue in Central City. The Complex is an important resource in a neighborhood with a long history of advocacy for disadvantaged individuals and groups. In addition to the designated programs of childcare, senior citizen care, public health services and educational opportunity training, the Complex is a hub of political and social activity. It provides meeting spaces for community forums and district planning meetings, provides rental space for a privately run health clinic and provides basic public health screenings.
The existing Senior Center and Edna Pilsbury Buildings received roof repairs and replacement of HVAC systems. Renovations to the Multi-Media Center and Daycare Administration Building will include a Head Start Nursery facility and a branch of the New Orleans Library. The renovated facility, positioned on the Jackson Avenue frontage, will present a welcoming image for the surrounding community, connecting visually to the existing buildings on the campus while reflecting the neighborhood’s vernacular 19th and early 20th century retail architecture.